Cassandra Co. is all about the expression of self through fashion. I have always had a deep love for clothes and found through working as a stylist at a popular "small town retailer" that not only was I passionate about clothes but about making other women feel like their most beautiful, confident selves. I love spending the one-on-one time with other women figuring out their own personal style and helping them focus in on what makes them feel amazing.
Until recently, Cassandra Co. was exclusively online. But I am so happy to tell you that we officially have our very own storefront in Oxford, MI!!! We are so happy to be a part of the community and to be able to bring the Cassandra Co. shopping experience to life!
The pieces you will find here make up carefully curated collections. I have poured so much of my heart into sourcing and selecting pieces that I truly love and that I hope you will love too!